$20 Individual Light
$100 Starlight
$250 Candlelight
$500 Shooting Star
$1000 Circle of Love

$20 Individual Light
$100 Starlight
$250 Candlelight
$500 Shooting Star
$1000 Circle of Love

Our 3rd Annual Lights of Love program and Tree Lighting Ceremony sponsored by Wilkinson Funeral home, was a time to honor or memorialize someone who touched our lives in 2024 with over 200 guests in attendance at the Margie Campbell Healing Garden at Atrium Health Cabarrus. A stunning 20-foot tree, sponsored by Atrium Health Wake Forest Emergency Providers, was delivered from Western North Carolina, and guests were welcomed with delightful music by the Cox Mill High School Chorus. In addition to the evening, we were honored to recognize our pediatric team from the Jeff Gordon Children’s Center for the care they provide to one Western North Carolina family who was impacted by Hurricane Helene. To read more about this story click here to our Winter Edition Newsletter. (Maybe we put a QR code here?)
Circle of Love – $1000
Atrium Health Wake Forest Emergency Providers
Pam Cain & Kent Gandee
Dr. Paul & Mrs. Margaret Campbell
John & Lee Dunlap
Bill & Debbie Dusch
Steve & Judy Goodnight
Great Wolf Lodge
Dr. Joshua & Mrs. Cara Hayes
Joe & Pat Horton
Mary Isenhour, Boo Rogers, Brooke Collins & Breeze Smith
Dr. Doug & Mrs. Cheryl Kelling
Britt & Kimberly Leatherman
Propst Construction Company/Prospt Brothers Distributors
Sue Rutland
Jack & Rosemarie Stein
Wilkinson Funeral Home
Shooting Star – $500
James Campbell
Angela S. Clark
Leslie Cornfeld
Jane Jacobs
Volunteers of Atrium Health Cabarrus
Richard & Rhonda Wright
Candlelight – $250
Dr. Patrick & Mrs. Robin Anonick
Kendra Bare
James Collins
Dr. Tom & Mrs. Teri Jones
Penny McGuirt
Susan Miller
Dr. Richard Natale
Dr. Laura J. Pelfrey
Phils Starter and Alternator
Geraldine Plott
Dr. Lara J. Pons
Tony Rary
Kristin Rodgers
Asha Rodriguez
The Sastoque Family
Mark & Cathleen Smith
Sarah Trimble
The Wax Idol Lounge
Trish West
Starlight – $100
Hank & Laura Alston
Melissa Arrington
Sheree & Kerry Avant
Ralph Barnhardt
Katherine & Dan Barrier
Drs. Elijah & Victoria Beaty
Angie Brown
Cabarrus County Retired Nurses Association
Lori Clay
Jack Cook
Mary Ann Cooper
Dr. Anna DePaulis
Sallie S. Dotger
Stacy Sides Gherardi
Dr. Christopher & Mrs. Paula Holland
Diane Honeycutt
Ada & Adam Kendrick
Shaun & Tonya Mangum
Linda Mauldin
Shannon Morton
Northeast Anesthesia & Pain Specialists
Mary O’Morrow
Jim & Ann Osborne
Tim & Kim Roberts
Lynn & Mark Russell
Randy & Janet Schepler
Dianne & Dick Snyder
Dr. Erika Steinbacher
David Taylor
Sandra Torres
Ann & Rick White
Dean Wike
Individual Light – $20
Sharda Abernathy
Ashley Aldridge
Joyce Allman
Christine Barrier
Angie Brown
Don & Sue Burns
Lauren Cooper
Steve and Cherita Cromer
Daniel B. Criscoe
Garcia Family
Grandsons Kincaid & Boone
Dan Gray
‘Candice Hagins
Alex Hamilton
Dusty, Claire & Cooper Harman
Lynn Hawkins
Robert Jones
Leah Leath
Debbie & Buell Little
David A Lockhart
Dr. Tom & Mrs. Sandra Long
Rhonda Mann
McCleary Family
Shelly Mccoy
Stacy A. Meyers
Jim & Dot Monroe
Meghan Newcomer
Mary O’Morrow
Carolyn & Gerry Osborne
Pauline Parker
Michelle Payne
Jackie Pethel
Sandhya Pugal
Tom W. Ramseur
Holly Rogers
Tina Roginski
Louann Shive
Anthony Skinner
Kieva Skinner
Amanda Smith
E.Z. & Pat Smith
Stapleton Family
Lisa C. Tadlock
Emily Thom
Sherry Thomas
Dakeita Vanderburg
Jamie Aigner
Age-Friendly Unit Staff
Ashley Aldridge
All Emergency Room Patients
Joyce Allman
Betty Alston
Hugh Altop
Alexandria Anonick
Alexander Anonick
Joan Anonick
Melissa Arrington
Atrium Health Cabarrus
Atrium Health University City
Lorie Bare
Sandra Barnhardt
Nancy Barger
Ed Barrier
Elise Barrier
Katherine Barrier
Lilly Elise Barrier
W Lamar Barrier
Lydia Barrott
Elizabeth Billiar
Lela Bishop
Arrington Bowman
Winslow Dusch Brewer
Chad Bush
Cabarrus Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehabilitation Staff
Cabarrus Healthcare Foundation Staff
Donna Cain
Francis Cain
Margie Campbell
Kenneth Chavious
James Thomas Clark
Ted Clay
David Clemmer
The Clinical Education Services (CES) Team
Jo Coble
Arvonia Cochran
Bexley Grace Cooper
Bill Cottrell
Madison Crayton
Letty Criscoe
Anna B. Cromer
Cam Cruickshank
Dr. Kevin Cruse
Ed Dalton
Beth Deal
Pam Dixon
Mae Dulin
Bill Dusch
Debbie Tuttle Dusch
Frank Dusch
Martha Dusch
Bob Edwards
Iris Efird
Cecil Eller
Nanna Etgin
Sheila Faeth
David Fowler
Dalton Gay
Mitchell P. Gibson
Lynne Golie
Tanya Goodman
Judy Goodnight
Nesan Govindaraj
Vetri Govindaraj
Tom Grady
Dr. Bob Hammonds
Amy Kay Hargrove
Jen Harman
Annie Harris
Bruce Harris
Jeff Harris
Dr. John Harroff
Lori Hartsell
Barbara Louise Hayes
Buddy Hilbish
H.T. Hilton
Jeanne Hodges
Donna M. Holland
Lawrence W. Holland
Paula Holland
Julie K. Horn
Betty Honeycutt
Diane Honeycutt
Reva Honeycutt
Beverly Horton
Jennifer Parsley Hubbard
Internal Medicine Unit (4GHJ) Staff
Interventional Radiology
Gene Isenhour Jr.
Jane Jacobs
The Johns Family
Alex Johnson
Mi-chele’ Johnson
Branson C. Jones
Bill Jolley
Kat Judge
Kannapolis Bible Teaching Association
Marsha Kendrick
Dr. Bob Kinney
Charles Kluttz
Doris Kluttz
Fred Laws
Kevin Laws
Buddy Leatherman
Kimberly Leatherman
Sam Leder
Gibby Lee
Bud Little
Laurel Little
Betty Sue Lockhart
Dr. Dave Lockhart
Deion Long
Dr. Thomas Theron Long, III
Sandra Long
Anne Maddrey
Parker Maddrey
Tonya Mangum
Rhonda Mann
Thelma (Great) Martin
Meredith Mauldin
Medical Surgical ICU Team
Patra McAfee
Jeff McClure
William Tyler McDaniel
Pat McDaniels
Miles McEwen
Dot McGoogan
Ben McGuirt
Rick McGuirt
LeeAnn Barnhardt Miller
Susan Miller
Susan Moffatt
Robert Moneypenny
Robert Moore
Terry Moore
Wanita Morris
Shannon Morton
Stephanie Mullins
My Patients
My wonderful family
Rhee Nelson
Janice Norcutt
Richard Null
The Observation Unit Staff
Demola Ogunyomi
Gerald O’Morrow
Mary O’Morrow
Angel Overcash
Jeff Parker
Nancy Patel
Dr. Barry Paul
PCCU Teammates
Sam H. Pelfrey, Jr.
Sheila ‘Oonkar’ Persaud
Clifford Pethel
Nancy Pheagin
Buddy Phillips
Sherry Pollex
Dr. Lara Pons
Meredith Powers
Hope Diane Preston
Nesan Pugal
Vetri Pugal
Diane Ramseur
Jim Ramseur
Brenda Ramsey
Connie Rary
Frank Redding
A Walter Reid
Kim Rick
James Riley
Patrick Riley
Amy Ritchie
Asha Rodriguez
Ramdaye Rodriguez
Holly Rogers
Eric Romage
Frances Ruffin
John Ruffin
Betsy Rutland
Dave Rutland
Neal Rutland
Sue Rutland
Thomas Santangelo
Ernest Sartelle
Shirley Sartelle
Charlie Sastoque
Eduardo Sastoque
Lucila Sastoque
Coni Sbragia
Linda Schepler
Deb Scott
Gary Sellers
Bob Sides
Joann Sides
Chris Simizi
Amanda Smith
Edwin Smith
Rodrick Smith
Tina Smith
Steve Smyers
Dick Snyder
Roberta Sorrell
Silda Wall Spitzer
Alpheus Stakely
May Stakely
Reagan Stapleton
Riley Stapleton
Sydney Stapleton
Wyatt Stapleton
Dr. Meghan Steiner
Michelle Stevenson
Surgical Team
Jennifer Tadlock
Tan Tanner
Derek Thom
Elizabeth Tisdale
Ed Torres
Jordon Traylor
Bob Tucker
Tuttle Family Practice
The Volunteers of Atrium Health Cabarrus
Robert L. (Bob) Wall
Greg West
Whit Whitley
Dean Wike
Jared Wike
Charlotte Wilkinson
Grace Wilkinson
Jay Wilkinson
Jim Wilkinson
Lindsey Wilkinson
Nancy Wilkinson
Frank Williams
Rachel Williams
Dr. Brenda Wilson
Phyllis Wingate
Kenny Winn
Cindy Wise
Brian Wofford
Miles Bennett Wright
Rhonda Wright
Jon Yancey
Laura Yancey